Subsidiary Office:
Cerrito 1070 - Piso 3 - Departamento 71 1010 – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 232035-1010
E-mail: convatec.argentina@convatec.com
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec (Australia) Pty Ltd
PO Box 63
Mulgrave, Victoria 3170
Subsidiary Office:
Schubertring 6 A-1010 Wien Tel: 0800 21 63 39
PORTS International Ltd. #40 Airport Industrial Park P.O. Box SS-6297 Nassau
Tel: 1-242-377-1771
Fax: 1-242-377-1778
Gulf Pharmacy P.O. Box : 2576, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Street Address: Bldg: 2038, Road: 4156, Block: 341, Manama / Al Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17 239380
Fax: +973 17 232230
Collins Limited Barbados Collins Limited / Warrens Industrial Park Warrens / 00000 St Michael Tel: 246-425-4550 Distributor: Carib Rehab Ltd. Friendship Plantation St. Michael BB11032 St. Michael
Address: Centre Parc De l'Alliance Boulevard de France 9 1420 Braine-l'Alleud
Tel: +32 (0)800-12011 (toll free)
Ortopedija International d.o.o. Salke Lagudzije 12 71000 Sarajevo
Tel:+387 (33) 45 88 15 / 46 87 10
Subsidiary Office:
Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 50 – 2º andar
Vila Nova Conceição, São Paulo - SP, 04543-000
Tel: 0800-7276-115
3 Victor Grigorovich Str. 1606 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 851 90 70
Freeline: 0800 18 808
Subsidiary Office:
1425 Trans-Canada Highway - Suite 100 Dorval, Quebec H9P 2V3
Tel: 1-800-465-6302
Fax: 1-877-437-1777
Subsidiary Office:
Av. Andrés Bello 2325, Oficina 08. Providencia, Santiago.
Tel: 56 2 8405201
E-mail: convatec.chile@convatec.com
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec China Pvt. - Beijing Unit 2701-2702, Yintai Office Tower Beijing Yintai Centre No. 2 Jianguomenwai Street Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, P. R. C. 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号银泰中心C座27层2701-2702室
Customer Service Tel: +86 10 95105669 /+86 10 95105869 /+86 4006685560
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec China Pvt. - Shanghai Unit 1105 & 1106, Crystal Plaza Office Tower 1 No. 1359 Yaolong Road, Pudong District Shanghai 200124 P. R. C. Subsidiary Office: Convatec China Pvt. - Guangzhou City Unit 808, East Tower, Fortune Plaza No.114-118 Tiyu East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 510620, P.R.C. 广州市天河区体育东路114-118号财富广场东塔808
Customer Service Tel: +86 10 95105669 +86 10 95105869 +86 4006685560
Subsidiary Office:
Edificio Torre los Nogales Calle 76 # 11-35, Fifth Floor Bogota
Tel: 01-8000-112-433
PANAMEDICAL DE COSTA RICA Ofiplaza del Este, Edificio C, Oficina C-18 San Pedro, San José Costa Rica
Stoma Medical, d.o.o. Folnegovićeva 1c 10000 Zagreb
Tel: (385) 1-5508-999
Tel (toll free): 0800-8000
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Česká republika s.r.o. Olivova 4/2096 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: +420 225 109 111
Tel: +420 225 109 009 (StomaLine)
Tel: +420 800 122 111 (Toll free)
Fax: +420 225 109 900
Retail Location:
Ostrava U RADIMA Českobratrská 63 702 00 Ostrava
Tel: +420 596 618 459
Retail Location:
Prague U RADIMA Vinohradská 60 130 00 Prague 3
Tel: +420 224 254 007
Convatec Denmark A/S
Østmarken 3A, DK-2860 Søborg, Denmark
Tel: +45 48 16 74 74
Email: convatec.danmark@convatec.com
Convatec Infusion Care Commercial, R&D, Regulatory and Administration Østmarken 3A DK-2860 Søborg
Tel: +45 48 16 70 00
Email: info.infusion-set@convatec.com
Manufacturing Site Infusion Care – Osted Operations, Supply Chain, R&D and Quality Åholmvej 1-3 Osted (Roskilde) DK-4320 Lejre
Tel: + 45 48 16 70 00
Email: info.infusion-set@convatec.com
Manufacturing Site - Herlev 32-36 Skinderskovvej DK-2730 Herlev
Tel: +45 44 94 40 00
Email: papyro-tex@papyro-tex.com
Boston Medical Device Ecuador Av. Pedro Ponce Carrasco E8-06 y Diego de Almagro. Edificio Almagro Plaza Oficina 1204 Quito Tel. (593 2) 5145140 Distributor: ALEM Av. Gaspar de Carvajal N30-53 y San Gabriel Quito
Tel: (593 2) 393 6000
Subsidiary Office:
22 Kamal El Din Hussein St, 3rd Floor Heliopolis Sheraton Post code 11977. Cairo, Egypt. Distributor: HEAD OFFICE
Tel: (202) 2419 1142 / 24182931
Fax:(202) 2417 5118 / 2290 1080 / 2291 5730
Address: 6C taksim Asmaa Fahmy- behind Administrative
Control HotLine: 16300
STOMACENTER Centro Ulceras y Ostomia Farmacia Medica 1ª Diagonal Dr. Arturo Romero N.328, contiguo al Club de Leones Colonia Medica San Salvador
Linus Medical OÜ Narva mnt 5 Foorum Business Centre 10117, Tallinn
Tel: 372 66 19 855
Tel (Tasuta Infoliin): 800 30 30
Subsidiary Office:
Keilaranta 16B 4th Floor (B4.r) and Basement (B-1.a) Espoo 02150
Subsidiary Office:
90 Boulevard National Immeuble Le Sigma 92250 La Garenne-Colombes Tel: 0800 358480 (customer Service free number)
Tel: +33 (0)1 56 47 18 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 78 40 00
ConvaTec (Germany) GmbH, Mühldorfstraße 8, D-81671 München
E-Mail: anfrage@convatec.com
Tel. for ostomy patients: 0800 – 1624382
Tel. for orders: 0800 – 1624381
Subsidiary Office:
317 Mesogeion Avenue Halandri, 152 31 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-210-6564740
Fax: +30-210-6564745
Corporación Amicelco, S.A. 5a. Avenida 4-12 Zona 1 Apartado Postal 515
Subsidiary Office:
Unit 1901, 19/F, Yue Xiu Building 160-174 Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔駱克道160-174 號 越秀大廈19樓1901室 Customer Service
Tel: +(852) 2516 9182
Replant4Care Kft. Nándorfejérvári út 35. H-1119 Budapest
Tel: +36 1 522 2888
Fax: +36 1 522 2889
Rep Office:
Hörgatún 2, PO Box 200 IS-212, Garðabær Reykjavik
Tel: +354 535 7000
Fax: +354 565 6485
Corporate Office:
Convatec India Unit No 206, Second Floor, Tower-B, Digital Greens, Sector-61, Golf Course Extension Road, Gurgaon-122102, Haryana
Customer Service Tel: +91 (0) 1 800 2674989
PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari (a member of the ZUELLIG PHARMA GROUP) Cowell Tower Level 11 Jalan Senen Raya No. 135 Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 3456008
Diagnostic Way Agha building Ibrahim pasha St. Alsulaymaniyah, Iraq
Tel: +96477019337474 +964533203938
Email: management@diagnosticwaysul.com
Philtel Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 14, Shenkar Street Kiryat Arie, Petach Tikva PO Box 3918 Kiryat Arie, Petach Tikva, 49130, Israel
Tel: 1-800-800-150 (Toll Free)
Gil Medical Ltd. 21 Gonen St. P.O.B 7701 Petach Tikva, 4925919, Israel
Tel: +972-3-9240288
Email: gilmedical@gilmedical.co.il
Subsidiary Office:
Via della Sierra Nevada, 60 00144 Roma
Tel: 800-930-930
Fax: 800-930-950
Health Brands Limited 76 Molynes Road Kingston 10
Tel: 876-901-9791
Fax: 876-937-5449
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Japan K.K. Glass City Koraku 2nd floor, 1-1-7 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 112-0004
Customer Service Tel: 0120-532-384 (Toll Free) コンバテックジャパン株式会社 〒112-0004 東京都文京区後楽1-1-7 グラスシティ後楽 2階 カスタマーサービス 0120-532-384
Distributor for Wound Therapeutics and ostomy care products:
Kawar Drug Store (KDS) Amman - Jabal Al Hussein - Al lud Street - Building 37
Tel: +962 6 5606512 / +962 6 5606513
Mob: +962 79 5752729
E-mail: kawardru@go.com.jo
Distributor for Continence and critical care products:
Rida Jardaneh Drug Stores (RJDS) Amman – Shmesani Sulaiman Al – Qanoni Street , Building 16 Shmeisani-Amman-Jordan, PO BOX 803, AMMAN11118
Tel: +962 6 5692351
Fax: +962 6 5692352
Central Circle Co. P.O. Box 1015 Salmieh, 22011-Salmieh - Kuwait Contacts: Dana (+965) 96901907 / Dina (+965) 96914837
Tel: (+965) 1869869
Fax: (+965)22445457
Email: cencico@centralcircleco.com www.centralcircleco.com
Linus Medical SIA K. Valdemara str 33A-3A, Riga, LV-1010
Tel: +37167316323
Fax: +371 67 294 865
Toll Free: 800 0 5333
Distributor for Wound Care and Ostomy Care products:
Care 4 Health Akl Building, 4th Floor Mar Roukoz Street, Hazmieh Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961 (0)5 956 410
Fax: +961 (0)5 953 453
Email: info@care4health.com
Contact: Joe El Macary - macary.joe@gmail.com
Tel: +961 (0)3 214 506
Distributor for Continence and Critical Care products:
Droguerie de l'Union Sal Ghorayeb building, Main road P.O.Box 166-715, Baabda Lebanon
Contact: Mr. Fadi Ghorayeb - fjghorayeb@d-union.com
Tel: +961 5 924 162 (ext. 500)
Linus Medical UAB Ukmerges g. 223, LT-07156 Vilnius
Tel: 370 52639698 / 8-800 70001 (Toll free)
Fax: 370 52639626
RSR N. Macedonia Ltd import-export Skopje
Jordan Mijalkov 48/5, 1000 Skopje North Macedonia
Tel: +389 2 3122 797
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Suite 28-1, Level 28, Vertical Corporate Tower B, Avenue 10, The Vertical, Bangsar South City, No. 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Toll Free: 1800-8806-01
Tel: +60 12 287 0856
Ian Pace Limited Tibet 10, Onorato Bres Street, Ta'Xbiex XBX1040
Tel: +356 2133 4412
Mobile: +356 7944 7497
Manufacturing Site:
Reynosa Ave. Industrial Falcón, Lote 7. Parque Industrial del Norte Reynosa, Tamaulipas Ave. Fomento Industrial, L-9, M-3, Parque Industrial Del Norte, Reynosa, Tamaulipas
Subsidiary Office:
Mexico City Oso 40 Mezzanine Colonia del Valle. Mexico DF 03100
Tel: 5255-5524-0683
Clinic Ave. Insurgentes Sur 1871, Colonia Guadalupe Inn. Mexico DF 01020
Tel: 5255-6379-7331
Subsidiary Office:
Papendorpseweg 95 & 97 3528 BJ Utrecht
Customer Service: +31 (0) 800 – 330 00 10 (toll free)
Wound Information: +31 (0) 800–022 44 60 (toll free)
Stoma Information: +31 (0) 800 – 330 00 10 (toll free)
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec (New Zealand) Ltd
PO Box 62663
Greenlane, Auckland NZ 1546
Tel: 0800 441 763 (toll free help line)
Subsidiary Office:
Nils Hansensvei 2 N-0667 Oslo
Tel: 800 30 995
Muscat Pharmacy & Stores. L.L.C Street 44, Building N. 51, Block No: 144, Near ROP Garage Muscat 113, PC-100
Tel: +968 24814501 (ext. 153) +968 99383932
US Pharmacy Group Costa Del Estes Avenida Centenario - Edificio 31
Panama City Distributor:
ALTA TECNOLOGÍA MÉDICA, S.A. Bethania La Gloria, Calle 17 C Norte, Casa 21 i Panama
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec Perú SAC Office No. 806, Monterrico Av. La Encalada 1010 C.C., Mz. 1-2 Lt. 23 and 24 Santiago de Surco, Lima15023
Tel: +51 1 683 0358
Cardioperfusión EIRL Av. Armendariz 533 Miraflores Lima - Perú
Tel: +51 1 2040606
Getz Bros. Philippines, Inc 5th Floor, Ortigas Building, Ortigas Avenue 1600 Pasig City, Metro Manila
Tel: +63 2784 0400
Fax: +63 2631 1636
Subsidiary Office:
Al. Armii Ludowej 26 00-609 Warszawa
Tel: 0-800 120 093 / 022- 579 66 50
Subsidiary Office:
Kvtech Portugal – Produtos Médicos Unipessoal, Lda. Avenida da Liberdade, nº144 – 7ºDto. 1250-146 LISBOA
Tel: + 800 20 16 78 – Linha de Apoio ao Ostomizado (Chamada Gratuita)
Tel: 707 201 187 – Linha de Apoio ao Cliente (Customer Service Iberia)
Fax: 707 201 189 – (Customer Service Iberia)
Disponibilidad de Productos y Represéntate de Ventas:
Cardinal Health Puerto Rico -Servicio al Cliente MQ Área metro
Tel: (787)-625-4222
Toll-free: (888)-330-7853
Email: cusermq@cardinalhealth.com
Apoyo Clínico y Técnico Customer Interaction Center (CIC)
Toll-free: 1-(800)-422-8811
Email: cic@convatec.com
Servicios a Pacientes Ostomizados Programa me+
Toll-free: 1-(877)-585-0470, Opción #1
Email: cvtconcierge@convatec.com
Distributor for Wound therapeutics and Ostomy care and Critical care products:
Al Danah Medical Company Gate #4 Naser Bin Khaled Complex Salwa Road, Doha P.O. Box:14485
Tel: +974 4 4691122, +974 4 46911223
Distributor for infusion devices products:
Atrium Medical CareWLL Office # 303, 2nd Floor, GREDCO III Bldg No: 26 C Ring Road (opp Turkish Hospital & besides American Hospital) Doha, Qatar
Email: info@atriumcare.com
Tel: +974 4 4369438
Fax: +974 4 4131165
S.C. ROMBIOMEDICA S.R.L. Str. Nikolai Gogol, Nr. 1A, Et. 1, Ap. 2 Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel: 004.021.310.42.01
Email: contact@rombiomedica.com
Salehiya Medical Abdullah Bin Suliman Alhamdan Street Alsulymaniah District P.O Box 991 Riyadh 11421
Tel: +966 11 464 6955
TT Medik Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10D/I YBC 11070 Novi Beograd
Tel: 0800 101 102
Subsidiary Office:
Convatec (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 456 Alexandra Road #18-01/02, Fragrance Empire Building Singapore 119962
Customer Service
Tel: +65-62459838
Fax: +65 6245 2968
Manufacturing Site:
Michalovce Priemyselný park 3 071 01 Michalovce
Tel: +421 6815 111
Unomedical, s.r.o. Štúrova 71A 949 01 Nitra, Slovakia
StomaLinka: 0800 800 111 (pre volajúceho zadarmo)
Valencia Stoma-Medical d.o.o. Gregorčičeva ulica 9 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 080 15 45
Subsidiary office:
Convatec South Africa Proprietary Limited
Office 1.4, First floor
16 Baker Street
Rosebank Johannesburg 2196
Distributor for Wound Therapeutics and Ostomy Care products
1 Sabax Road, Aeroton, 2023
Subsidiary Office:
4F, American Standard B/D Yeongdongdaero 112gil 66, Gangnam-Gu Seoul, Republic of Korea. 06083 서울시 강남구 영동대로 112길 66 4층 콘바텍코리아 (우편번호: 06083)
Customer Service Tel: +82-2-3453-6333
Subsidiary Office:
Calle Constitució, 1 - 3ª planta 08960, Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93 6023700
Oduber Agencies N.V. Illidge Road 48-1 Philipsburg
Tel: 599-5423-542
Fax: 599-5424-162
Intermed Gompertsstraat 46 Paramaribo
Tel: 597-450470
Fax: 597-450470
Subsidiary Office:
Floor 4 1011 Betongblandaren 12, Gardsfogdevagen 18 B 16866 - Bromma
ConvaTec (Switzerland) GmbH, Herrenacker 15, CH-8200 Schaffhausen
Tel. 0800 55 11 10
E-Mail: convatec.switzerland@convatec.com
Tel. 0800 - 55 11 10
Fax: 0800 - 82 03 40
E-Mail: ch.kundenservice@convatec.com
Subsidiary Office:
Taipei 5F Unit 4, No. 57, Fuxing North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105 (R.O.C.) 台北市復興北路57號5樓
Customer Service Tel: +886 2 2175-9989
Subsidiary Office:
Kaohsiung City Kaohsiung - Commercial Building 5F (Unit 5C) Jio-Ru 1st Road No.502 Kaohsiung City 807 高雄市九如一路502號5樓C室
Customer Service Tel: +886 7 392 7676
Subsidiary Office:
Unit No. 5, 9th Floor, M. Thai Tower 87 Wireless Road Lumpini Phatumwan Bangkok 10330 Thailand Customer Service
Tel: +662 614 7000
Medical Marketing Co. Ltd. 22 Queen's Park West, Commercial Area # 2, Port of Spain
Tel: 1-868-622-0614
Fax: 1-868-628-5569
Local Distributor:
GMS - GROUPE MEDICAL SERVICES 4 Avenue Haroun Errachid Mutuelleville Tunisi - Tunisia
Tel: +216 71 794 233, +216 71 793 889, +216 58 324 587
Fax: +216 71 791 752
Yacine CHEBIL - General Manager - yacine.chebil@gnet.tn Mounir Jaidi - Sales force supervisor www.facebook.com/gmstunisie/
Subsidiary Office:
Ayazağa Mah. Mimar Sinan Sk, A Blok No:21A İç Kapı No: 9, Sarıyer, 34396 Istanbul, Turkey.
Tel: 90 216 416 52 00
Distributor for Wound Therapeutics and Ostomy Care products:
City Pharmacy Co. Flat 901, Al Otaiba Tower Hamdan Bin Mohammed Street P.O. Box 2098, Abu Dhabi
Tel: +971 2 6730790, +971 6 5355575 (Sanaeya/Sharjah office), +971 6 5553922 (Buhairah/Sharjah office), +971 3 7213951 (Al Ain Office)
Distributor for Critical Care products:
DuPharm LLC M5-Abdul Aziz Almajed Building, Muraqqabat St. Deira, Dubai - P.O. Box 16635
Tel: +971 4 2685054
Fax: +971 4 2620787
Contact: Dr. Rajai Awad
Email: dupharm@eim.ae
Ecomed 4th Khoryva Iane, Suite No. 18 04071 Kiev
Tel./fax: +380 44 451 85 51
E-mail: info@ecomed.ua
9 Syretska St., Kyiv,04071, Ukraine
Tel./fax: +380 44 498 23 96
Corporate headquarters
7th Floor, 20 Eastbourne Terrace, London, W2 6LG
Manufacturing site Rhymney
Units 1 & 2, Heads of the Valleys Industrial Estate, Rhymney, Tredegar, NP22 5RL
Tel: +44 (0) 1685 846300
Manufacturing site Deeside
Unit 20 - First Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2NU
Tel: +44 (0) 1244 584 254
Research & Development GDC Building
First Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2NU
Tel: +44 (0) 1244 584 300
Amcare Group
Progressive House, The Health Business & Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QX
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Distribution Centre North
39B Pallion Way, Pallion Industrial Estate, Pallion, Sunderland, SR4 6SN
Tel: +44 (0) 191 5108892
Amcare Distribution Centre South
Suite 5.01, Network House, Basing View, Basingstoke, RG21 4HG
Tel: +44 (0) 125 6300150
Amcare CC Cheltenham:
Unit 2, Guillimont Health Centre, Stoke Road, Bishops Cleave, Cheltenham, GL52 8RP
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare CC Lincoln
J2 The Point, Wever Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Dartford
The Coach House, 1 Hedge Place Road, Greenhithe, Kent, DA9 9JZ
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Nottingham
Unit 14, Farrington Way, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG 16 3FB
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare South Shields
6 Waverley, Long Row, Market Dock, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 1LE
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Amcare Stirling
Unit 4, Step Commercial Centre, Stirling Enterprise Park, Stirling, FK7 7RP
Tel: +44 (0) 800 88 50 50
Subsidiary Office:
200 Connell Drive - Suite 1000, Berkeley Hights, NJ 07922
Subsidiary Office:
Greensboro 7815 National Service Road - Suite 600 Greensboro, NC 27409
Tel: 1-336-855-5500
180 Medical, Inc.
5324 W. Reno, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Tel: 1-877-688-2729 (customer service)
Symbius Medical
2311 W Utopia Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85027
Tel: 1- (623) 780-8686
Tel: 1-800-948-1868 (customer service) www.symbiusmedical.com
Technology Centre 20 Maguire Rd Lexington, MA, 02421
UruFarma Juan R. Gómez 3265 CP 11600 - Montevideo,
Tel: +598 2487 2748
Email: contacto@urufarma.com.uy
Cong Ty TNHH B.H.C 145 Dao Duy Anh Street, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan Dist, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Tel: 84 28 3847 6670
Fax: 84 28 3997 0484